Wednesday, May 6, 2020

United States Economy Is The Envy Of The World - 1132 Words

United States Economy The United States is not only one of the largest economies in the world, but it is also one of the strongest economies compared to industrialized countries, and this has been proven in the last few years. Despite of what many people believe or see, U.S economy is booming and it will continue to boom during the year 2015. In the article â€Å"When the U.S Economy is the Envy of the World,† published by the MSNBC on December 8, 2014, its author Steve Benen argues about the U.S economic recovery in order to persuade U.S citizens and show them the numbers that prove that our economy has recovered. Benen (2014) also encourage U.S citizens not â€Å"to compare the current economic recovery to other recoveries that followed modern downturns,† but â€Å"to compare our economic recovery against other countries who dealt with similar circumstances† because according to President Obama, the U.S â€Å"has put more people back to work† than any advanced economy in the world (qtd. in Benen, 2014). There are strong evidences that prove that the U.S economy is in its best year compared to three years ago. The growth of jobs, the slight increase of wages, and the low price of oil have truly helped the U.S economy recover. Many citizens, most of them conservatives, have questioned the economic recovery, but evidences have dismissed their arguments. President Obama pointed out that â€Å"we do have real, tangible evidences of our progress;† for example, we have created â€Å"10.9 million new jobs†Show MoreRelatedThe American Dream1246 Words   |  5 PagesSharing Is Caring, So Don’t Be Stingy America The American dream is the ideal that every citizen of the United States can have an equal opportunity to achieve success by prospering through hard work, determination, and initiative. This concept has become an iconic part of American culture, and has led many immigrants to seek refuge under Lady Liberty. Therefore, living the American Dream can be obtained by anyone, regardless of race, gender, social status, or economic wealth, right? UnfortunatelyRead MoreThe United States Of America852 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States of America is known for being a major power in the world stage. A nation that provides opportunity for those that are willing to work hard for what they want. 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